Who am I?
Personal Details

- Name: Sean Pollock
- Born: September '93
- Nationality: Canadian
- Location: Toronto, Ontario
Profesional Profile
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare sem sed quam tempus aliquet vitae eget dolor. Proin eu ultrices libero. Curabitur vulputate vestibulum elementum. Suspendisse id neque a nibh mollis blandit. Quisque varius eros ac purus dignissim.
Praesent sit amet massa suscipit, auctor sapien non, egestas felis. Maecenas mattis aliquet est vitae dignissim. Suspendisse aliquam lacus mauris, id placerat felis faucibus quis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam mattis, eros id porta iaculis, nisl purus dapibus leo, a lacinia tellus nunc sed nunc.
My Professional Background
Work Experience
2014May - Present
Casebank Technologies
Toronto, Ontario
Software Developer
Software Developer
Maintained and contributed to an application that reads and analyzes highly unstructured text from airplane maintenance logs and uses the information to predict and prevent repetitive maintenance faults from occurring.
Skills: NLP, Clustering, Interface Design, Big Data Analytics
Tech: Java, Hibernate, SQLServer, Lucene, GWT, Javascript, HTML/CSS
2015 September - Present
University of Toronto - Department of Computer Science
Toronto, Ontario
Teaching Assistant
Lead a group of 22 undergraduates in weekly tutorials. Marked essays in a timely manner and provided good feedback. For a course under the Department of Computer Science, CSC300 – Computers and Society.
2012 July - 2013 August
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
Toronto, Ontario
Research Assistant
Extended google analytics capabilities using javascript and Google's event tracking API. Used the tracker
to collect advanced metrics on 30 million visitors over the span of a year. Automated the process of exporting
data into excel and presenting it for analysis. Cut down data importing times from days to hours. Worked with team
of PhD students to analyze data and create new metrics for study. Liaised with 15 organizations to help them
update their websites. Helped update institution websites and ran multiple workshops on advanced WordPress usage.
Topic of research: human behaviour and knowledge mobilization on the web.
My Education
2011 September - 2015 June
University of Toronto
Hon B.Sc. Computer Science & Cognitive Science
School Profile Description
I'm working on an Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the #1 University for Computer Science in Canada and #10 in the world. My focuses are Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence
Emerging Leader Certificate (2012), Career Development Certificate (2012), Alternative Reading Week Certificate of Recognition (2012), Career Management E-Learning Certificate (2012)